Gone Soul (eternity)

Gone Soul (eternity)

Imagine the cloud of sadness in homes,
The ocean of tears for even the gone unknowns.
The rank of death keeps graduating day to day by the day,
The lives of many caught in the atmosphere of eternity where whatever they feel will never fade away.

What is it exactly can we hold dear in this life?
Something fadeless and concrete, ‘something’, aside the divine?
But instead, even the beautiful, and the hard-earned fall in the line.
Death still inherits all even when we possess the best weapons and we fight.

I am hopefully in doubt of Life and all her promises;
She is looking so very bright and assuring until the morn dismisses.
And at the pool of twilight, a different bell is rung
For we all to gather to sing the bereaving psalms of songs.

Imagine the soul of you and I in the clouds of the Heavens
Where beauty and joy are the order of the day,
Where evil exists not and every good will happens,
Where life on a whole new, different level has come to stay.

Also imagine the soul of you and I in the bosom of Hell
Where the fiery furnace is heated at an unknown existing temperature,
Where the deafening screams of souls in anguish matter to no one in there,
Where life on a whole new, different level is a torture.

I am hopelessly surrendered to the Being Divine
And hopefully praying that you too will in this very time.
The human enemy – Death is now in her right mind
And has fully understood who and what she is to human lives.


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